↓Audio link to the sermon:(1nd worship recording) (If you can’t listen on your iPhone, please update your iOS) Today’s message is from James 4:10,「Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.」It promises us that the Lord will
Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.
↓Audio link to the sermon:(1nd worship recording) (If you can’t listen on your iPhone, please update your iOS) Today’s message is from James 3:18,「Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.」Last week, I spoke form James 2:20,「..faith without
faith without deeds is useless.
↓Audio link to the sermon:(1nd worship recording) (If you can’t listen on your iPhone, please update your iOS) Today’s message is from James 2:20, 「…faith without deeds is useless.」Last week, we learned from James 1:22,「Do what it(the word) says.」We also
Do what it (the word) says.
↓Audio link to the sermon:(2nd worship recording) (If you can’t listen on your iPhone, please update your iOS) Today’s message is from James 1:22,「Do what it (the word) says.」 From last week, we have started learning from the letter of
Acts 10:44-48_Massage by Pastor Jim
↓Audio link to the sermon:(1nd worship recording) (If you can’t listen on your iPhone, please update your iOS) This passage is the climax of what I would suggest is the most important chapter in the entire book of Acts and
Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial…
↓Audio link to the sermon:(2nd worship recording Japanese only) Today’s message is from James 1:12,「Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial…」We have been learning from the book of Hebrews for a while, and from this week, we will be
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever._2
↓Audio link to the sermon:(2nd worship recording) Today’s message is the second message from Hebrews 13:8,「Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.」It is such an encouragement that we know this Jesus who is the same yesterday and