↓Audio link to the sermon: Today’s message title is from Mark16:15, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” We’ll learn from the Great Commission that Jesus gave to his disciples. First, we’ll learn the background
He has risen!
↓Audio link to the sermon: Today’s message title is from Mark 16:6, “He has risen!” This is the word of an angel spoken to those women who went to anoint Jesus’ body. I wonder how disappointed and fearful they were
Surely this man was the Son of God!
↓Audio link to the sermon: Today’s message title is from Mark 15:39, “Surely this man was the Son of God!” These words were spoken by the centurion, a Roman soldier who witnessed the cross of Jesus from beginning to end.
This is the blood of my covenant
↓Audio link to the full sermon Today’s message is from Mark 14:24, “This is my blood of the covenant.” This word of Jesus was spoken at the Last Supper with his disciples. Today, I would like to talk about the
Keep watch!
↓Audio link to the full sermon Today’s title is from Mark 13:37, “Keep watch!’ ”」This is the conclusion given by Jesus, who explained the end time to his disciples. There is no need to live in fear or anxiety. We will
David himself calls him ‘Lord.’
↓Audio link to the full sermon Today, we’ll read from Mark 12:37, “David himself calls him ‘Lord.’ “ Christ was about to face the cross, and the new era of salvation through faith instead of doing was about to come.
Psalm 133: Unity in the midst of Covid-19
Intro Good morning, brothers-and-sisters in Christ. It’s good to see your faces this morning. Even though I only see part of your face! Though we have started meeting physically again, things are not the same as before. Both leaders and