↓Audio link to the full sermon Today’s message is from Mark 10:52, “your faith has healed you.” We’ll take a look at a life of Bartimaeus, who was a blind man in Jericho. We would like to learn from his
But many who are first will be last, and the last first.
↓Audio link to the full sermon Today’s message is from Mark 10:31, “But many who are first will be last, and the last first.” It is a passage where the truth is revealed, that those who seek to enter heaven
All things are possible with God.
↓Audio link to the full sermon Today’s message is from Mark10:27, “all things are possible with God.” The message is hidden here that we cannot save ourselves, but only God can save us. In Mark 10:45 Jesus says “For even
So they are no longer two, but one flesh.
↓Audio link to the full sermon Today’s message is from Mark 10:8, “ So they are no longer two, but one flesh.” These are the words spoken by Jesus about marriage. Please read Mark 10: 1-12. Last week’s message was
Have salt among yourselves
↓Audio link to the full sermon Today’s message is from Mark 9:50, “Have salt among yourselves,” These words give awareness to Christians living in this world. Salt has been used as an antiseptic for a long time, and even if
The Son of Man will be resurrected after three days
↓Audio link to the full sermon Today’s message is from Mark 9:31, “The Son of Man will be resurrected after three days” We will take a look at the words of Jesus, which cannot be understood by human common sense.
Everything is possible for one who believes.
↓Audio link to the full sermon Today’s message is from Mark 9:23, 「“ Everything is possible for one who believes.” I believe this word gives a great encouragement to us, the believers. Let’s look at the background of this passage. First,