↓Audio link to the sermon: Today’s message title is from Mark 16:6, “He has risen!” This is the word of an angel spoken to those women who went to anoint Jesus’ body. I wonder how disappointed and fearful they were
Surely this man was the Son of God!
↓Audio link to the sermon: Today’s message title is from Mark 15:39, “Surely this man was the Son of God!” These words were spoken by the centurion, a Roman soldier who witnessed the cross of Jesus from beginning to end.
Messiah, Son of the Blessed One
↓Audio link to the sermon: Today’s message is from Mark 14:62, “I am [the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One].” Facing the cross, Jesus was about to have a brief trial. It was written that there were many people
Take this cup from me
↓Audio link to the sermon: Today’s message is from Mark 14:36, “Take this cup from me.” Following this prayer, Jesus said, “Yet not what I will, but what you will.” Please read Mark 14:26-42. Jesus told his disciples, “You will
Knowing God: Why and How?
Good morning brothers and sisters in Christ. One of my English students has been grieving the death of her husband. She said, “When my husband was alive, I didn’t appreciate him. But now that he’s gone, I don’t really have
This is the blood of my covenant
↓Audio link to the full sermon Today’s message is from Mark 14:24, “This is my blood of the covenant.” This word of Jesus was spoken at the Last Supper with his disciples. Today, I would like to talk about the
Keep watch!
↓Audio link to the full sermon Today’s title is from Mark 13:37, “Keep watch!’ ”」This is the conclusion given by Jesus, who explained the end time to his disciples. There is no need to live in fear or anxiety. We will